Transform Your Wellbeing

Achieve Harmony and Vitality for Your Soul, Mind, and Body.

About Rachel 
Rachel is a dedicated and compassionate professional, specializing in guiding individuals towards greater happiness, harmony, and fulfillment. With a Master's degree in Marital and Family Therapy and a profound understanding of energy healing, she possesses a unique blend of expertise that empowers clients to overcome challenges and rediscover their inner light.  

With a wealth of experience Rachel has helped countless individuals navigate the complex terrain of life. Her deep understanding of human dynamics, communication, and emotional well-being has enabled her to facilitate profound transformations in the lives of her clients.

Rachel's journey took an exciting turn when she delved into the realm of energy healing. With a genuine passion for holistic well-being, Rachel has honed her skills in various energy healing modalities, allowing her to address the mind, body, and spirit connection. Her clients have experienced the transformative power of energy healing, finding newfound peace, balance, and vitality.

Rachel believes in a holistic approach to healing, recognizing that emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being are intimately connected. Her KALi sessions and Transformative Coaching sessions are a safe and sacred space where clients can explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, release past traumas, and embark on a journey of self discovery.

KALi Group Session

Experience the joy and bliss possible with this beautiful transmission of energy in a group setting. locations vary, please see schedule for classes coming soon. Cost $60

KALi Private Session

Enjoy the benefits of Kundalini Activation Light Integration in a private setting. Allow your inner world to experience the tranquility and bliss that comes with this powerful transmission of energy. Time will be spent integrating your experience after the energy session to help you fully absorb the potential changes taking place within. Cost $225

Transformational Coaching Session

Whether you're seeking to strengthen your relationships, heal emotional wounds, or find inner peace and balance, Rachel is your trusted guide on the path to transformation. With a heart full of empathy and a toolkit full of therapeutic and energy healing techniques, she is committed to helping you uncover your true potential and live a life filled with love and happiness. Contact today to schedule a free 15 minute consultation. Your journey to healing, transformation, and discovery of your best self is waiting. Cost $155

What is KALI?
Kundalini Activation Light Integration is a powerful healing modality that activates the movement of kundalini energy in the body in a gentle, natural way.
During a session, a facilitator works with energy, the power of sound and vibratory resonance to guide you on a phenomenal inner journey. You will just lay down on a yoga mat, relax with your eyes closed, listen to some music and relax. This may lead to emotion that no longer serves you being somatically released from the body, shifts into deeper states of awareness and heightened perceptions, strengthening of intuition, self empowerment, unburdening yourself from limiting beliefs and receiving clarity around your purpose and other areas of your life. This modality is a catalyst for transformation by surrendering to our inner wisdom.
We would love for you to join us! No experience is required.

Transformational Coaching
Coming soon...
  • San Diego, California, United States